Learning more about diabetes
Basic information booklets are available for patients with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes:
Type 2 diabetes booklet (2019 version)
The NHS Lothian Diabetes website has a number of additional sources of information.
In addition to the information provided in the other sections of this website, a number of external sources of information are available, as described below:
My Diabetes My Way
As well as providing secure personal access to your diabetes clinic letters and results, 'My Diabetes My Way' is a source of high quality information regarding all aspects of diabetes care. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
Living It Up
A video resource produced by NHS Scotland for people with type 2 diabetes.
Diabetes UK
Diabetes UK is the leading diabetes charity in the United Kingdom. Its serves an important role in supporting education for both patients and medical professionals, as well as funding diabetes research. The Diabetes UK website is a very good source of high quality information:
BDEC E-learning programme
This is an online education programme for people with type 1 diabetes, developed by the Bournemouth Diabetes and Endocrine Centre (BDEC). It focuses on insulin dose adjustment and carbohydrate counting and is a valuable resource for patients who are unable to attend our local DAFNE courses:
Link to the Bournemouth Diabetes Course
‘Uptodate’ is a high-quality source of medical information primarily designed for medical professionals. However, there are a few brief patient information sections, covering basic topics in diabetes:
Exercise and diabetes
‘RunSweet’ is a website offering advice on participating in sports for people with diabetes:
Dependency (computer game)
A computer game which introduces ideas of how to adjust treatment to deal with exercise and other situations.
Patient support*
A number of networks have been created by patients with diabetes.
‘Just DUK 1T’ is a site providing support for young people with type 1 diabetes:
‘Type 1s in Lothians’ is a Facebook group for people living in Lothians with type 1diabetes:
Search Facebook: Type 1s in Lothians
Please contact us, using the tool at the bottom of the page, if you have a suggestion for a patient support service you would like included on the ECED website.
*These sites are not officially endorsed by, or affiliated with, the Edinburgh Centre for Diabetes and Endocrinology.